I plan on adding to this list regularly, but here's a start on some good things out there:
Fun Pre-Natal Workouts: Pre/Post Yoga with Fredda Spirka, for pregnant mamas-to-be and new mamas - babies in arms welcome - free through SB Adult Ed.; Pre-Natal Aerobics with Tracy Schmidt at SBYMCA
Fun Post-Natal Workouts: Fredda's Pre/Post Yoga; Tracy's Post-Partum Aerobics at SBYMCA (Tracy also leads a stroller fitness class in SB); and my personal fave, Emma Moore's Mama, Papa, Baby Yoga at Santa Barbara Yoga Center
Good Music: Dance for the Sun: Yoga for Kids, by Kira Willey; Any Putomayo CD - especially Kids' Animal Playground
Good Reads: Mothering Magazine; Organic Baby: Simple Steps for Healthy Living, by Kimberly Rider; The Baby Book, by Dr. Sears (also The Vaccine Book and The Baby Sleep Book); Green Babies, Sage Moms: The Ultimate Guide to Raising Your Organic Baby, by Lynda Fassa; The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Good Movies: The Business of Being Born
Good Sites: (for toys and gear) inhabitots.com, palumba.com, novanatural.com, michaelolaf.com, satara-inc.com, birdiesroom.com, babysteals.com. (for diapers) thebabylane.com, buywahm.com, borntolove.com, jamtots.com, tinytush.com, greenmountainbaby.com, and my favorite: babybunz.com. (for natural cleaning products) punkinbutt.com (for non-toxic cosmetics) allnaturalcosmetics.com.
Good Local Stores: Summer for Kids (summerforkids.com), on Coast Village Road in Montecito, is the only local store in SB whose entire stock consists of natural and organic clothing, toys, and gear. Chicken Little on State Street has a growing selection of natural toys and organic clothing, and you can find items for your organic nursery at LivinGreen on Coast Village Road.
Good Pre-natal Vitamins: ***I took/take Rainbow Light, but of course check with your doctor or midwife***
Good Schools: Lou Grant, Waldorf of Santa Barbara, The Montessori Center School